Anxiety can really hold you back and make your life a misery. Symptoms are not just psychological – they are physical too. Everyone’s anxiety is different and because of this I do not apply a standard therapy to all clients. I will work with you to understand your anxiety:
Is it present all the time or do certain situations bring it on?
Is it about one thing in particular or are you anxious generally?
Is it about something you fear may happen?
Are you anxious about relating to other people?
The initial assessment focuses on these questions to find what makes you anxious, and what maintains your anxiety.
I will use a variety of ways of helping you to overcome the problem depending on what we agree might work well for you and your situation, for example:
Advanced relaxation techniques
Using hypnosis to practise coping in situations that make you anxious
Social phobia
Social phobia is another form of anxiety which can make life very difficult. If you’re afraid of what people think of you, or imagine they’re looking at you and judging you it can make work and social situations impossible to manage. It doesn’t have to be like that – a good assessment of your anxiety and an appropriate course of treatment can make all the difference and help you to enjoy the company of others so you can do the things you’d like to do in life.
Call for a free initial chat or email me:
07702 113544
Chippenham - Devizes - Calne - Melksham - Trowbridge - Marlborough Pewsey - Bath - Frome